DLINQ Interns will consult with consult with students on digital projects for academic and student activity work. Consultation requests can include but are not limited to Discovery phase project strategies and software recommendations, Design feedback, and how to get un-stuck while in the Development phase.

  1. Request Submitted: To start the process, the requestor fills out this form and selects Student under Middlebury Role.
  2. Supervisor Review: The request is sent to the Intern Supervisors.
    1. The Supervisors review the request with a few considerations, including:
      1. Is this a consultation or project request. If it is a project request it will be forwarded to a different process.
      2. Is this consultation appropriate for an Intern. If not it will be reviewed for a Staff consultation, or the Student will receive a recommendation to contact the appropriate department.
      3. Would this consultation benefit from being assigned to an Institute or College Intern?
  3. Consultation Assignment: The Supervisors work with the Lead Interns to assign the consultation.
    1. Consultations will be assigned to Interns by the Lead Interns on a rotating basis.
      1. There are times where the Supervisors and Lead Interns may choose to assign the consultation out of rotation to another Intern because of timing, expertise, or because the Intern was assigned to a course.
    2. The Lead Interns will share links to Training materials and LinkedIn Learning videos, as well as suggestions for how to respond.
      1. The assigned Intern should review materials to prepare for the consultation.
  4. Response to Consultation Request: The Intern contacts the Student.
    1. Here are some sample responses:
      1. “Hi, I am [name] and I am responding to your DLINQ consultation request. My dop-in shifts in the [DLC or Wilson Media Lab] are at these days and times [insert schedule]. Would you like to schedule during one of these times?”
      2. “Hi, I am [name] and I am responding to your DLINQ consultation request. I see that you are available at [insert day and time from the request form].” Would you like to meet in the [DLC or Wilson Media Lab] in-person? Or would you prefer to meet virtually over Zoom?”
      3. “Hi, I am [name] and I am responding to your DLINQ consultation request. I found some instructions online, I believe they answer your question: [links to instructions and/or videos]. If you try these instructions and still need help, please let me know and we can meet during one of my dop-in shifts in the [DLC or Wilson Media Lab], or if those times do not work we can schedule a Zoom meeting.”
        1. Please use the Training materials and LinkedIn Learning videos provided by the Lead Intern where appropriate.
    2. Include a link to the DLINQ Labs page when referencing drop-in hours.
    3. Let the Lead Intern know you have reached out to the Student.
    4. If you do not hear back from the Student within 48 hours please follow up.
    5. If you do not hear back within 48 hours after the follow up let the Lead Intern know.
  5. Consultation: The Intern meets with the Student.
    1. Be on time.
    2. Start with “hello”
      • Make time for introductions and relationship building
    3. Listen to the Student explain the nature of their request.
      • Demonstrate effective listening
      • Ask prompting questions: “What have you tried?” “What are the requirements for the assignment?”
      • Collect context relevant to the request for help
      • Establish conditions of satisfaction, establish a focus on the issue
      • Communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully
      • Be proactive in connecting with available Resources,
      • Follow-up on conditions of satisfaction
      • Problem solve; figure things out; know what you don’t know
    4. Show resources and demonstrate steps. Speak clearly and slowly. Check understanding by asking them a question, or asking them to try steps themselves.
    5. Tap into collective intelligence (DLINQ staff / interns)
      • If you do not know an answer please reach out to DLINQ in the #toolshed Slack channel.
      • Communicate confidence in yourself and others
      • Put people first – “internal” and “external”
    6. Make note of questions that cannot be answered during the consultation time. Let the Student know that you will get back to them.
  6. Follow Up: The Intern should check back with the Student to make sure solutions discussed are working for them after one week.
    • Look for opportunities to improve service / consultation experience
    • Care about, and understand how to balance the needs of yourself, others, and your work