Luke Phelan

Instructional Designer

Pronouns: He/him
Office location: Middlebury Institute for International Studies, Monterey - McGowan 220
A portrait of Luke Phelan.

I am a learning designer with a focus on creating rich and engaging digital environments that empower students to take the lead in creating and disseminating knowledge. I have worked on a number of projects at the intersections of pedagogy, technology, instruction, and scholarship, and I am particularly interested in digital scholarship and the digital humanities. My expertise includes planning and managing projects for long-term sustainability, and digital tools and platforms like Scalar, WordPress, Omeka, and the Creative Cloud.

Before joining DLINQ I was an instructional technologist at Trinity College, and part of the Blended Learning Initiative at the Five College Consortium. As a digital publication specialist at MIT OpenCourseWare I published a number of courses on games and game design, which remain abiding interests.

Areas of Expertise: Curriculum and course design; Research and writing pedagogy; Game design and game making as learning activities