Imagining Alternate Futures for the Digital

Finding hope in hopeless times

Digital Detox is an initiative that helps participants to reflect on and re-evaluate the role technology plays in their lives, with the aim of reducing the toxicity and harms brought on by technology. Participants receive 2 email newsletters each week during the month of January. The detox newsletters include reflections, helpful resources, and strategies to take action.

Our 6th annual Digital Detox will focus on Imagining Alternate Futures for the Digital: Finding hope in hopeless times. This theme emerges from our own experiences with burnout and hopelessness--feelings that are deepened when we look at the role technology can play in perpetuating harm, abuse, extraction, and exploitation. It can be difficult to see alternate possibilities that activate our hope for the future and energize our work.

In this detox, we’ll share what we are learning from others about imagining alternate futures for the digital. We’ll turn to speculative fiction, to the past, to community organizers and more. We will also look to you, our participants, to share your expertise on these topics.

Sign up for the 2023 Digital Detox

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