DLINQ offers a variety of workshops, one-on-consultations, videos, and multimedia resources focused on the powerful and effective use of Canvas for teaching. For technical support, please visit the Middlebury help desk site.
Teaching with Canvas
If you’re new to Canvas, we recommend you start with our Digital Teaching page, and you can also consult the Canvas Instructor Guide managed by the platform creator, Instructure.
Canvas Instructor Guidesource: community.canvaslms.com
Digital Teaching @ Middsource: dlinq.middcreate.net
DLINQ's Online Course Design Rubricsource: dlinq.middcreate.net
Online Course Developmentsource: dlinq.middcreate.net
The Asynchronous Cookbook by DLINQsource: pressbooks.middcreate.net
Consult with DLINQsource: dlinq.middcreate.net
Tools available within Canvas
There are a number of tools that are integrated with Canvas to provide additional functionality.
Goreactsource: support.gmhec.orgAn online platform for annotated feedback, grading, and critiquing of student video assignments
Gradescopesource: support.gmhec.orgAn online assessment platform designed to streamline grading work flows involving handwritten work and computer science.
Hypothesissource: web.hypothes.isAn online text annotation tool that can be used with assigned readings in Canvas assignments
UDOITsource: support.gmhec.orgAn automated accessibility review tool for Canvas courses
Panoptosource: support.gmhec.orgA video and audio storage service that allows you to upload, edit, store and share video and audio files with varying levels of privacy settings