MiddCreate provides space on the web where students, faculty, and staff can explore and connect their learning, experiment with digital tools for teaching and learning, and create a digital identity that is owned and managed by them, to take with them when they leave Middlebury. Want to see behind the technology curtain? Need to do something out of the ordinary online? Want to launch a sophisticated digital project? MiddCreate is the place for you.

Why use MiddCreate?

MiddCreate gives you options and it gives you access. It provides a suite of open source tools you can install with the click of a button. It also gives you the chance to go behind the technological curtain and see the databases and frameworks behind these applications. You can even use the MiddCreate to build your own websites from scratch.

MiddCreate is the place to go when you need something beyond what’s available from Middlebury’s WordPress multisite offerings (sites.middlebury.edu and sites.miis.edu). MiddCreate is a great place for special projects, student portfolios, research labs, faculty research, and more.


MiddCreate supports an individual’s agency in creating their digital identity through processes of reflection, self-expression, and connection to other learners and experts. MiddCreate is modeled after the Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) initiative that started at the University of Mary Washington. That initiative has been adopted by institutions across the globe.