DLINQ is a key partner for bringing courses and programs online at Middlebury. Partnering with DLINQ ensures that courses in a program provide a consistent experience for students; adhere to accessibility standards, principles of inclusive design, and standards of research-based online learning design. DLINQ also provides program-level project management for the course development process.
Working With DLINQ on Online Program Development
As the director of an online program, you’ll work with DLINQ on program planning and intake, preparing instructors to design and teaching online courses, and supporting a successful course development process.
- Program planning: developing a new online program involves laying out program parameters (e.g., program length, credential), identifying target audience and career outcomes, developing program competencies aligned to market data, and identifying curriculum and courses.
- Preparing instructors to develop online courses: instructors in online programs are required to work with DLINQ to develop courses. The online program director is responsible for communicating program parameters to faculty at the outset of course development, and reaffirming these throughout the course development process.
More information for online program directors about online program directors can be found in the Program Director Guide to Developing Online Programs with DLINQ.
Competency-based Learning
Competency-based learning is an approach to program and course design in which learning is mapped to clearly defined competencies, measurable learning objectives, and clearly aligned assessments. Competencies, which are high-level statements of what learners will be able to know and/or do as a result of their learning, are typically outcome-based, and intentionally designed to align with workplace needs.
Resources for Online Program Development
These resources provide detailed information about online program development, as well as further information about competency-based education.